Aletheia Speaking Competition Winners Visit Parliament

This year, our Trust School Improvement Team is holding a public speaking competition to allow pupils to share their special interests and develop their oracy skills.
On 17th May, the winners of the first round of the competition and staff representing Stone St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Shorne Church of England Primary School, Sedley's Church of England Primary School, St Botolph's Church of England Primary School, Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Halling Primary School, Cliffe Woods Primary School, Saint George's Church of England School (Primary Phase), Ditton Church of England Junior School, Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School and Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School travelled to London to enjoy a prize visit to Parliament. They were given a tour by Cllr Jordan Meade of Gravesham Council, highlighting key sites like the Victoria Tower, Westminster Hall and the Sovereign's Entrance.
Inside one of the House of Lords chambers, the pupils had an audience with Viscount Waverley, also known as JD. They asked insightful questions and shared snippets of their presentations, impressing JD with their chosen topics.
It was a fantastic learning opportunity and bonding experience for the pupils and staff of Aletheia Academies Trust. The next phase of the competition will be a grand final to be held in Saint George's on 3rd July. The contestants will have a chance to present their current topic or a brand new one inspired by their prize trip in front of a panel of judges.